A potentially promising, investigational FDA Breakthrough device is being developed for motor and non-motor symptoms in PD. Called “Celeste,” this daily-use, at-home therapeutic light device aims to improve quality of life and reduce PD symptoms better than best medical care.
Will you help determine its effectiveness? No travel is required. No additional medications required. Anyone with Parkinson’s from across the United States can apply—even those in remote locations as long as they have an internet connection.
What is the trial about?
The Celeste Light for PD Trial features a non-invasive device that recently received Breakthrough Device designation from FDA for treating Parkinson’s disease.

If this trial is successful, Celeste could make a major difference in managing non-motor and motor symptoms and improving overall function on top of current best medical care.
Participants must meet the following criteria:
Diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease
Have been on Parkinson's medication for at least a year
Less than 4 to 5 hours of the day with bothersome dyskinesia, and less than 50% of the waking day with Off State problems
Stable medications before and during the trial
No previous use of light therapy for Parkinson’s disease
At least 45 years of age
Relatively good eyesight (vision corrected to at least 20/60)
Internet connection
The Celeste Light for PD Trial consists of four video conference visits during six months with only 300 participants. Act now to see if you qualify. Sign up here.
This message comes from https://www.lightforpd.com/