Thursday Feb 8, 2024 - Falls Prevention and Parkinson's
February 8, 2024
Meeting: Thursday, February 8, 2024 - 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
PRESENTER: Sarah Cohen, PT, DPT, Administrator, Center for Parkinson's Disease, Stony Brook Southampton Hospital
TOPIC: Falls Prevention and Parkinson's: What can you do to Stay Steady
People living with Parkinson's disease are twice as likely as healthy older adults to fall and demonstrate a nine-fold increase in recurrent falls. Yet, falls are often preventable. Join us for this discussion on the why we should care about falls, what are the PD-specific falls risk factors, and most importantly, what you can do to decrease your fall risk and stay steady!
WHERE: Glen Eddy senior residence,
1 Glen Eddy Drive, Niskayuna NY 12309
Use main entrance. Park in upper lot along the stone wall. Meeting room is on second floor. Elevator and stairs are off the lobby to the left.
This meeting will be a hybrid meeting.
You are encouraged to attend in-person at Glen Eddy.
OR Attend by Zoom.