Eating Healthy with Parkinson's
February 13, 2025
Capital District Parkinson's Support Group Meeting
Date: Thursday, February 13th
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Format: Online via Zoom, only. No in person meeting at Glen Eddy
Presenter: Fran Weiss, MS RDN CDN, a Hannaford Dietitian
Topic: Eating Healthy with Parkinson's - Fran will explore the benefits of following the Mediterranean Lifestyle Diet, tips for managing low blood pressure, ideas to help alleviate nausea, fast and easy navigational tools to facilitate healthy grocery shopping, and more. As an added bonus, Fran has gifts for all in-person participants!
Meeting Details:
Join Early: The Zoom room will open at 6:45 PM for informal chat.
Online Only: This month's meeting will be held exclusively online via Zoom. This allows for flexibility and ensures no disruptions due to inclement weather.
Register Now:
Please register in advance for this meeting by clicking [HERE].
Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email containing the Zoom meeting link.
We look forward to seeing you online!